Piping & Skids
Piping and skid work started as a complementary service to boiler projects and vessels where small quantities of piping were required with the equipment. A shift toward modular solutions requiring skid mounted vessels, piping, valves and electrical & instrument started to become common scope in the mid 2000’s. LA Services pivoted and developed the necessary capability to support these turn-key projects. Around the same time gas distribution work emerged which has strengthened our capabilities in supplying complete skid packages.
Today our piping and skid works support gas distribution, water treatment and industry processing needs
Scope includes fabrication, welding, testing and surface treatment of spools and skid frames. We also provide finally assembly, drying E&I fitment and factory testing
Our team can also support skid installation and pipeline tie in services

Case Study
Piping & Skid
North Ryde PRS Upgrade - Downer for Jemena
The upgrade of the North Ryde Primary Regulating Station (PRS) was part of a natural gas network expansion across wider Sydney. Downer was contracted by Jemena to provide the civil, mechanical and project management services. LA Services was sub-contacted by Downer to manufacture, assembly and carry out electrical and instrument works for the PRS skid. The contract also required LA Services to complete the inlet and outlet pipeline tie-in with the gas network.

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